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UK and Hong Kong trade agencies open FinTech awards programme

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UK and Hong Kong trade agencies open FinTech awards programme

HK Fin Tech Awards

19 Feb 2018

ICON is delighted to support the latest initiative by HK Invest and the Department International Trade calling all UK FinTech firms to pitch for the chance to showcase their technology to business leaders in Hong Kong under an awards programme overseen by Invest Hong Kong and the UK’s Department for International Trade.

The initiative follows the launch in September of the UK-Hong Kong Fintech Bridge to foster closer collaboration at government, regulator and business level in the Fintech sector.

For InvestHK the awards programme is seen as a way to tap the rich seam of FinTech talent in the UK and showcase the opportunities Hong Kong presents as a conduit to Asia.

The deadline for submissions closes at 18:00 GMT on February 23, with the best entries invited to participate in a pitching competition judged by sector experts from both the UK and Hong Kong.Eligible companies must be at least two years old and have a compelling business proposition for expansion in Hon Kong and mainland China.

Thorsten Terweiden,InvestHK’s deputy head of FinTech based in London, said: “We’re very excited about this new award, and about the possibility of introducing top FinTech talent from the UK to the range of opportunities that exist in Hong Kong. The experience will undoubtedly be hugely informative and helpful, but it will also be a real game changer for the winner.”

To enter the competition, companies must be:

  • In the financial technology sector with an interest to expand the business in Hong Kong and mainland China
  • Headquartered in the UK, without an office in Hong Kong or mainland China
  • At least two years of operation and in mid-growth stage of development
Eligible companies are invited to submit a 3-to-5 page business plan that outlines their strengths and competencies in the following areas:
  • Innovation
  • Market growth potential
  • Team’s experience and background
  • Prospect for expansion in Hong Kong and mainland China
Fintech companies in the UK are invited to submit their proposals to, with the e-mail subject “Application for UK Fintech Awards” by 18:00 GMT February 23. Members of the judging panel:
  • Huy Nguyen Trieu, CEO, The Disruptive Group
  • Nicky Cotter, Co-founder ICON Corporate Finance & The Fintech50
  • Alasdair Paterson, Editor in Chief, Fintech Finance
  • Susanne Chishti, CEO & Founder FINTECHCircle & FINTECH Circle Institute
  • Jeff Tijssen, Chair, TLA FinTech and TLA China Working Group
and more…Two Grand Prizes:Subsidised five-day bespoke programme to each company in Hong Kong with:
  • One business class return flight ticket in October 2018
  • Hotel accommodation
  • A programme of introductions, networking opportunities and sector expert counsel
  • One complimentary booth and ticket for Hong Kong Fintech Week in October 2018
Three Runners-up Prizes:For any enquiries, please contact Thorsten Terweiden, InvestHK’s fintech lead in London, at or +44 (0)207 290 8209.