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Wednesday, 02 Jul 2014

The FinTech Summit 2014

8.30am - 5.30pm

A FinTech conference organised by City & Financial Global in consultation with UKTI’s Financial Services Organisation, Level 39 and our own initiative, FintechCity, the Summit will celebrate the huge interest in FinTech, and London’s emergence as its European Capital.

Andrea Leadsom MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, will give the keynote and the one-day event will feature presentations by leading and emerging FinTechs across Europe, as well as discussions on these key themes:
  • How the Government can help the UK FinTech industry achieve its full potential
  • Presentations by FinTech companies illustrating the potential impact of FinTech on originating, transacting and distributing financial services in retail banking, asset management, insurance and securities trading
  • How to overcome barriers to the successful development of FinTech ideas, including the required adjustment of the regulatory regime
  • Access to finance and accelerating growth
  • Case studies of successful FinTech businesses
Confirmed panellists and presenters include: HM Treasury, The FCA, UKTI, Level39, Zopa, Meniga, Megatransfert, SynerScope, Santander, StartUpBootCamp and ICON Corporate Finance. The Summit will bring FinTechs together with investors, senior representatives from financial services, and Government – and demand for places is likely to be high.

Date: Wednesday, 02 Jul 2014
Start Time: 8.30am
End Time: 5.30pm